There’s nothing more luxurious than being good to people
— Phoebe Philo

As I am privileged with the ability to guide you to plants as a medicinal therapy to learn to heal the mind, body and soul of your well being, I am still working on a way to make it as accessible to as many people as I can physically muster. Together we can create a lifestyle that eases suffering in our selves and those around us. This process is a lifelong journey. If you can stick to the regimen we create, you will be blessed with the result. 

I offer both in person as well as remote consultations. The diagnostic tools I utilize but are not limited to are; pulse, eye, and tongue readings, Medical Astrological Histories, and Ayurvedic Constitutions. These systems are brilliant tools which I grow to love more each day. They let me peer into the states of your being and divide constitutions into macro climates within different body systems. I use this language to orchestrate the natural conditions of the body to the condition of the imbalanced ailment. I also consider other important factors, especially the environments of your current being as well as those of your ancestors. 

Herbalism is a way to understand the world around us and how it is dynamically changing. Plants remind our bodies how to gain balance during periods of stress and to reclaim our self empowerment. Our loved ones often fall to illness or disease in exact relation to the act of disconnection the body and soul experience. It’s crazy how they go hand in hand. 

Thanks for reading this far, glad you made it. 

A full consultation can take days and it really does take patience. I’m excited and love to do this work of guiding you to reconnect! In order to make clinic accessible to all I do have to subsidize an income from those of us who aren’t privileged. 

My donation based sliding scale fee for a consultation starts at $25.00 per 15 min.

If you don’t have the means but the suffering is REAL, PLEASE go to the hospital, and while you are there waiting in the lobby shoot me an email. 

If you have the privilege to buy a Karma Consultation for your fellow brother or your fellow sister please do! Let’s serve this community together! Imagine what the world would look like if we invested in plants and if we invested in our underprivileged friends? 

I am sure as hell here to start a movement and see what the future holds. Take my hand and come with me.

For a consultation email me at theherbalear@gmail.com